Hi again! I can’t believe we’re halfway through 2015 – time really does fly when you’re having fun! Here’s a quick re-cap of the year so far…
After releasing our Belize dive site and Dr. Sylvia Earle diver at the end of 2014, we knew the hard work of getting the word out about the game was about to begin in the New Year. We started off with some great coverage of our company in the Des Moines Register and the Seattle Times, which helped build a little buzz for Infinite Scuba and led to some unexpected opportunities for us.
One of those highlights was a visit from our U.S. Representative, Suzan DelBene. What an honor to show her our game and talk about the challenges and rewards of creating a small business in Washington state!
Our schedule has been packed showing the game all over the place: GDC, iFest, Power of Play, E3, MIX, and numerous schools in Washington state and Iowa. We are now prepping for PAX and hard at work on our next dive site (Pacific Northwest) and our Steam build, as well as evaluating several strategic partnerships that combine video games and education. (Exciting!!)
Starting on World Ocean’s Day (8 June), we’ve also had fun posting short videos that feature our partners on our YouTube channel. For example, here are videos we created for Waterproof and Body Glove.
You can now like/share/follow us at these locations:
* Our website: www.infinitescuba.com
* Twitter: @infinitescuba and @cascadegf
* Facebook: https://www.facebook…cadeGameFoundry
* YouTube channel: CGFVIDEOSTREAM
Please help us get the word out by telling your friends about us – many thanks!
Whew. Add all that to the unseasonably warm weather in Seattle… we’re hot! 🙂
The Infinite Scuba team at Cascade Game Foundry